It's been a long time since I blogged in here. I'm really really sorry for the overdue post. Am too tied up with so many stuffs. And plus the lazyness... Well, resume from the last post.
Everyone is so damn worry for trial. In how many more days? I duno and I dunwanna think about it. THinking about it makes me sick lol.
The class? I duno what to say. But one thing for sure. I'm gonna miss this enviroment after a few months later. I'm too shy to say that. But I will miss you guys and girls...the teachers.. everything..hehehe.. After what had happen. Sometimes I feel like.. Is our class not united. but eventually our class are united as a class. haha... 5years in SMKUSJ4.. lol
We had finished our syilibus and began our latihan. Shit, I'm still havent prepare for trial.. damn.. hahahaa.. let's hope everyone is going to be safe from trial.. then SPM.. and freedom!! hehehe
PLKN...or NS. Our class quite number of people got it. hahaha. Good luck guys for going for NS.. dont ever regret for going for it..hehehe... remember moral.. LOL!! berkorban untuk negara, cinta akan negara.. :P whatever
HARI KANTIN!!! I had lotsa fun playing with water.. hahaha the best hari kantin i ever had.. or we ever had.. right guys? the water? that day can be declared as water day... hahahhahaa... wonder why pn vijaya and ms foo knew about it.. :P hahahahaha hafiz, kev, me, marcus, hon sam etc... almost the whole class was waiting people to dunk them.. even rasyad played along.. hahahaha on the other hand.. it is fun just to splash people with water for no reason... we can do it that time.. no more after that..hahahahaha.. everyone was practically wet... hahahahahhaa.. and then after that.. azlan, danica and i having water gun fight with pn vijaya and ms foo. it's a war zzone... hahahahaha couldn't imagine teacher playing with water guns.. :P so do i.. hahaha
Kisah minggu bulan patriotik was boring. it was just not interesting.. perarakan and things like that.. but the ochestra performence was kindda nice.. talented people around. and our class got a smart people getting award for quiz sejarah.. and then there are these few dudes shouting merdeka.. ala tunku style lol! hm.. nothing much to talk about..
next was the launching of the recycling campaign which i'm so into it. hahahah i can't believe i'm a part of the pentomy performence.. well.. me and a few others had gone thru so much toruble into making it a suecss.. dont bother to ask for the details.. hahahahhaha.. whatever la.. and remember..... bring your recycable item to me... LOL!!!! thank you...
oh yeah.. our class... somebody in our school is deff a pro duster stealer.. LOL!! wonder what they can do with the duster.. lol... sell it or play with it.. and teahcer's office are having renovation.. hahaha i cant imagine how it look like... gosh... i'm sorry for the juniors for the unlucky fate that will soon to be concieve by them hehehehhe..
more pictures and video coming up!!! hehe